Valdez: Sting 'em hard, Jan Brewer

Linda Valdez
opinion columnist
Then-Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer mingles at the Republican election night party in 2014.

Aging is not for sissies. And it's not ugly, either.

So, go, Jan Brewer, go. Nail those jerks who used your photo online. Show 'em the kind of sting a scorpion-eating Arizona woman can deliver.

Do it for privacy – which can’t be entirely dead.

Do it for women – who deserve to be honored for their age, not disparaged.

Do it for all the other people who don’t have the financial resources and instant access to the media that you enjoy.

Just do it.

Arizona’s former governor is threatening legal action over images being used on line as click-bait to promote anti-aging products and plastic surgery, according to The Republic’s Yvonne Wingett Sanchez. The accompanying text in these unauthorized ads falsely suggests Brewer’s husband divorced her and she got a revenge makeover.

This is way outside the universe of acceptable behavior.

The pictures are considered unflattering because they show her faced lined. Baloney.

Women get better with age, and she's no exception.

Besides, what do you expect from a woman who had to wrestle her fellow Republicans into submission for the sake of expanding Medicaid? Each line is a mark of distinction.

What do you expect from any woman who lived, worked and survived?

I was not a fan of most of what Brewer did as governor. But I’m fully on her side this time. I hope she nails those who did this and gets a big, fat settlement.

No matter what you think of her politics, Brewer achieved remarkable success in her life. She worked it. She deserves to be respected for that.

Her looks are nobody's business. But for the record, she's an attractive woman who always presented herself in stylish and professional manner -- even when she stuck her finger in the president's face. She's still an attractive woman.

Her age deserves to be honored as an achievement, too. Women are no less powerful – or beautiful -- just because of a few wrinkles.

So, go, Jan, go. Show those jerks the kind of sting a scorpion-eating Arizona woman can deliver.