Will Douglas's dunce-like tantrum protect bad teachers?

EJ Montini
opinion columnist
Would it be cruel and unusual to sentence grown-ups to this chair?

A lot of good teachers I've heard from aren't fond of State School Superintendent Diane Douglas.

On the other hand, bad teachers should love her.

Douglas's threw (and is continuing to throw) a hissy fit over the fact that staff members of the Arizona State Board of Education moved out of the Education Department building into the Governor's tower because of what they called a "hostile work environment."

Since then, the board's staff investigators have not be able to gain access to files on the education department's computer network that the unit needs to look into complaints against teachers.

Douglas wants Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Patricia Starr to order the staff members back and to give her the authority to fire them.

Historically, however, staff members have worked for the 11-member school board, which is a constitutional office that oversees school policy and operates separately from the superintendent of public instruction. Douglas is one of the 11 board members; the other 10 are appointed by the governor. Ducey so far as sided with the board and its staff.

The judge on Wednesday set a hearing date of late June for Douglas's lawsuit, although the attorney for the board said he would file a motion to have the suit dismissed.

Meantime, according to an article by The Arizona Republic's Catheryn Creno, Douglas's attorney said board staff would get access to the files and information they need to investigate the potentially bad teachers if they were to return to their desks in the Education building.


If they don't move back they don't get the information?

So a petty political tug of war is more important that protecting Arizona's school kids?

I'm wondering if there's anything in Arizona's revised statutes that would allow Judge Starr to order an elected official to sit in the corner of a classroom, facing the wall, wearing a dunce cap.