Arizona scenic drive: Carefree past Seven Springs

The Republic |
This giant sundial is a landmark in Carefree, Arizona. It's 90 feet in diameter and can be seen at Carefree Desert Gardens.

A short drive can span centuries. In less than an hour, the trip from Carefree past Seven Springs takes you from 1950s kitsch to a prehistoric Hohokam village to recreation areas characterized by finely crafted stonework created during the Great Depression. If you're into hiking, you'll find good, if fire-scarred, trails just off the road.

Things to note along the way:

The Carefree sundial:

See how your watch compares with Carefree's giant sundial, built in 1959 to attract visitors. The gnomon, the part that casts the shadow, measures 72 feet long; its tip stands 35feet high. That's plenty big, but not — as is sometimes claimed — the biggest in the world. It is, however, among the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Located on Easy Street in downtown Carefree.

Seven Springs: The Civilian Conservation Corps did good work. Although heavy floods ripped through this popular picnic area in 2005, most of the CCC's stonework survived. Signs give an interesting overview of the CCC's history in the area. The site has picnic tables, grills, restrooms and an enormous sycamore tree.

Details: 480-595-3300, (click on Recreation, then Picnicking, then Seven Springs).

Cave Creek Trailhead: Less than half a mile beyond Seven Springs, you come to the CCC Campground. This was where the young men of the CCC lived as they built the Seven Springs and Cave Creek recreation sites. The primitive campground has picnic tables and grills. The Cave Creek Trail starts here and leads about 10.4 miles to Spur Cross. Some sections of trail show signs of the 2005 Cave Creek Complex Fire; other sections may be damaged and hard to follow.

Details: 480-595-3300, (click on Recreation, then Picnicking, then Civilian Conservation Corps Camp).

Note: None of the sites in this story requires a Tonto Pass.

Don't miss: The Sears-Kay Ruin, the remnant of an ancient Hohokam village, stands atop a rocky hill overlooking Camp Creek. Archaeologists say the 40-room site was occupied from about 1050 to 1200. A short, fairly easy hike takes you from the parking area to the ruin. As the trail climbs through a landscape of ironwood, cholla, ocotillo and saguaro, you'll gain views of Four Peaks, Weavers Needle, Pinnacle Peak, the McDowell Mountains and Red Mountain. Signs tell the history of the site and people. The ruins are about halfway around the loop trail. Free.

Details: 480-595-3300, (click on Recreation, then Picnicking, then Sears-Kay).

Total miles: About 115 miles, round trip. From central Phoenix, take Interstate 17 north to Carefree Highway, then go east past Carefree to Bartlett Dam Road. Go north nearly 3 miles to the Sears-Kay Ruin, then 9.2 miles to Seven Springs and 0.4 mile to the CCC Campground. The pavement ends nearly 2 miles north of the Sears-Kay Ruin, but the well-graded gravel road is generally good.